Bruno Caldas Vianna

education, art+research, creative technologies


I am a professor at CITM, Polytech University of Catalonia’s (UPC) center for image and multimedia studies. I have a PhD from the University of the Arts in Helsinki, where I researched Artificial Intelligence and Visual Arts. The thesis is published here. I have a master’s degree in Interactive Communications from NYU.

I teach courses related to creative AI at Elisava and other institutions. I develop projects with creative and social use of technology, cooperating with non-profits such as Coolab, Digicoria, and Dweb.

I have created projects in a wide variety of supports such as mobile apps, installations and fiction feature films. I taught in the Art and Technology School Oi Kabum! in Rio de Janeiro for 6 years, and run the Nuvem laboraroty for art and technology, in the countryside of Brasil, for 5 years.

Check my previous site and timegraph.


Jul 7, 2024 My thesis was published! You can download the pdf or even buy a printed version if you prefer. The title is “The poetics of autopoiesis: Visual Arts, Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence “
Nov 1, 2023 I have a chapter in the book organized by Jussi Parikka and Samir Bhowmik named Environment, Data, Contamination. The text, Surface and Streaks, relates the impact of Amazon deforestation viewed as scars.
Jun 13, 2023 I’m going to present a paper on the visual aesthetics biases of text to image models in International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies in St. Pölten, Austria on November 28th.

selected publications

  1. The Bartleby Machine
    Bruno Caldas Vianna
    In ISEA 2022 Proceedings, 2022
  2. Generative Art: Between the Nodes of Neuron Networks
    Bruno Caldas Vianna
  3. Knowledge Art: Artwork and Invention
    Bruno Caldas Vianna
    In 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, 2021