Bruno Caldas Vianna
education, art+research, creative technologies

I am a professor at CITM, Polytech University of Catalonia’s (UPC) center for image and multimedia studies. I have a PhD from the University of the Arts in Helsinki, where I researched Artificial Intelligence and Visual Arts. The thesis is published here. I have a master’s degree in Interactive Communications from NYU.
I teach courses related to creative AI at Elisava and other institutions. I develop projects with creative and social use of technology, cooperating with non-profits such as Coolab, Digicoria, and Dweb.
I have created projects in a wide variety of supports such as mobile apps, installations and fiction feature films. I taught in the Art and Technology School Oi Kabum! in Rio de Janeiro for 6 years, and run the Nuvem laboraroty for art and technology, in the countryside of Brasil, for 5 years.
Check my previous site and timegraph.
Jul 7, 2024 | My thesis was published! You can download the pdf or even buy a printed version if you prefer. The title is “The poetics of autopoiesis: Visual Arts, Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence “ |
Nov 1, 2023 | I have a chapter in the book organized by Jussi Parikka and Samir Bhowmik named Environment, Data, Contamination. The text, Surface and Streaks, relates the impact of Amazon deforestation viewed as scars. |
Jun 13, 2023 | I’m going to present a paper on the visual aesthetics biases of text to image models in International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies in St. Pölten, Austria on November 28th. |